“Children are far more enthusiastic to learn about science when gadgets are involved”
“It teaches children to leave things as they find them and to share responsibly”
“I have gained confidence in using technology as part of teaching outdoors”
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Research & Resources on Geocaching – and Geocaching in Education
Links, People, and Reading about Geocaching – some focus on work in Primary schools
The Garmin – Our Handheld device: Dakota 20
Information page: http://www8.garmin.com/learningcenter/training/dakota/
User manual: https://geocachingforschools.stir.ac.uk/downloads/Dakota-20-manual.pdf
Teaching and Geocaching
Informational Posters
Health & Safety / General Guidance Documents
General Geocaching Placement Guidelines:
Health & Safety Document 1 – Using Common Sense:
Health & Safety Document 2 – Example Risk Assessment:
These links were all of use for getting started with geocaching in schools:
Geocaching forum conversations are also useful places to find ideas:
Some Sources
Dillon, J., & Scott, W. (2002). Perspectives on environmental education-related research in science education. International Journal of Science Education, 24 , 1111–1117.
Mannion, G., Fenwick, A., Nugent, C., & I’Anson, J. (2011) Teaching in Nature. Scottish Natural Heritage Commissioned Report No. 476. Link to project website: http://teachinginnature.stir.ac.uk/index.html
Mannion, G., Fenwick, A. & Lynch, J. (2012) Place-responsive pedagogy: learning from teachers’ experiences of excursions in nature, Environmental Education Research. Vol. 19, No. 6, pp 792-809.
Wals, A.E.J & Corcoran, P.B. (2012) Re-orienting, re-connecting and re-imagining: learning-based responses to the challenge of (un) sustainability. In: Wals, A.E.J. and Corcoran, P.B. (Eds.) Learning for Sustainability in Times of Accelerating Change, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Inquiry-based Science links:
Harlen, W. (2012). Inquiry in Science Education. Fibonacci Project (available at www.fibonacci-project.eu)
Harlen, W. (2010). Principles and Big ideas of Science Education. Hatfield, UK: ASE. Retrieved 20 September 2012, from http://cmaste.ualberta.ca/en/Outreach/~/media/cmaste/Documents/Outreach/IANASInterAmericasInquiry/PrinciplesBigIdeasInSciEd.pdf
Harlen, W. (2009). Teaching and learning science for a better future. School Science Review, 90 (933), 33-41.
Levy, P., Lameras, P., McKinney, P. and Ford, N. (in preparation). ‘Essential features’ of inquiry-based science education: a critical review and framework
Inquiry Based Science Education: http://www.pathwayuk.org.uk/what-is-ibse.html
IBSE planning template: http://www.pathwayuk.org.uk/resources.html
Fibonacci Project Resources: http://www.fibonacci-project.eu See: Examples of Learning Units for IBSE in primary school